Monday, January 12, 2009

Configure Eclipse(3.4) Ganymede for Eclipse BPEL designer with Apache ODE 1.x

(These steps are for Linux operating systems with gtk window systems)

First of all you have to download the JAR containing ZIP in the following link.

Then extract them and copy them in to the eclipse plug-in folder.

Them you have to install Apache ODE 1.x to your system.
- For this First download Apache Tomcat
- Then download the WAR distribution of Apache ODE 1.x
- Then extract and copy the WAR distribution in to the Apache tomcat's webapps folder (This webapps folder contains inside the Apache Tomcat installation folder.)

Start Eclipse Ganymede

Goto the server window (If it isn't visible goto Window->Show View->Servers)
Right click on Server window ->New->Server
Choose Apache ODE v1.x ODE Sever, Then Next
Choose correct configuration details
- Choose JRE as JDK 1.5.x
- Fill the location for Apache ODE path (to the WAR distribution directory inside Apache Tomcat webapps directory)
- Fill the location for Apache Tomcat path (To the Apache Tomcat installation directory)

Then all is configured.
Now You can start your own BPEL project on Eclipse and designed it using BPEL designer.

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